The Perfect Filing System

There are many great filing systems on the market. The thing I have learned when creating a home filing systems for clients, is that it must make sense to them. A particular system might offer more benefits than another, but ultimately the one used must be manageable long after the organizer has gone. Some things that I find helpful are:

– Use hanging files.

– Only use file folders if there is a sub-category in a hanging file, this will cut down on the bulk considerably.

– Name your file with confidence knowing you will be able to find it again in a year.

– Use names on files by type rather than company. Such as phone rather than Shaw or Telus.

– Keep names of files generic. Use ‘Even Tax Year’ and ‘Odd Tax Year’ rather than  the year itself. Archive older files.

– Prefix like categories: Rather than have the gas bill under ‘G’ and the phone bill under ‘P’, group them  together by naming them ‘Utility-Gas’ and ‘Utility-phone’. Group family health records together by naming them ‘Health-then the family members name’

– Keep an active desk top file with no more than 6-10 categories. This is the place you will visit daily and/or weekly. Files might include categories such as: bills to pay, needs attention, to do, asap. Keep one file for each child for school and activity related things.

Like a home there should be flow in your filing system. Every six months or at least once a year, go through each file and purge the no longer needed papers. Create space for more current documents and avoid creating a system too jammed with paper to use.

Kitchens and Bathrooms Sell Homes

Kitchens and Bathrooms need to be spotless, immaculate!
Potential buyers will be looking for the door if your kitchens and baths are
less than 10 out of 10 on the cleanliness scale.

For the open house make sure kitchen counters are clutter
free. Less stuff makes counters look bigger, and bigger counters is selling feature.
Sinks should be shiny. Make sure floors are clean, and clear the fridge of
magnets, artwork and notes. Put all soaps, sponges and cleaning supplies under
the sink. Empty the garbage regularly to keep odours away.

In the bathroom put all personal items: toilet brushes, garbage
cans and scales under the sink. Close the toilet lid. Make sure floors, mirrors
and counters are spotless. Keep shower items to a minimum and put out fresh

If a buyer can imagine themselves cooking in your kitchen or
soaking in your tub, you are one step closer to the sold sign on your front