Monthly Files Simplify Life

Consider filing your regular bills and statements by month rather than by each company. Have two sets of years “even” and “odd”, you will never have to change the tabs on the files. This will give you a year of archives, just in-case. When the next even year comes up, empty and shred the files from the last even year, and start over again.

Of course this only works if you do not need to keep your monthly bills and statements for seven years for tax reasons.

Ideals of Life

“The ideals that have lighted my way time after time and have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty and Truth.”

Albert Einstein

Which Do You Choose?

There are two ways to go through life; gather up everything insight in-case you might need it someday. Or just trust that you will find exactly what you need when you need it. Guess which one gives you more freedom of daily living and less stress? Which do you choose?