Recycle Soft Plastics

There seems to be quite a discrepancy between municipalities as to who will take what when it comes to recycling. I have not found many that will take soft plastic (plastic bags & packaging) at the curb.

Collect your unwanted soft plastic, it can be recycled next time you stop at most community recycling stations, Changes at Save On Foods, Encorp Return-It Depots and other bottle return depots.

Every bit helps!

Creative Filing

Using a filing system is a great way to keep paper where you need it, when you need it. Even more importantly it keeps our homes clutter free.

Get creative with your files; use resource files to keep the one page from a magazine that you tore out and had to keep. Be specific with how you divide these files, so retrieval is easy the next time you are looking for it.

We use a ‘gift file’. Throughout the year, my husband and I place things we would love to receive as a gift on some occasion. That way we can surprise each other with just what we wanted. By the time the gift is given, the receiver has forgotten they even put that in the file.

For more filing creativity visit

Shredding Unwanted Papers

One of the common reasons I have heard for hanging onto paper, is that the pile is too big to shred. If a filing system is purged regularly, every six to twelve months, it will be a more manageable shredding pile.

However if do have years of paper that needs to be shredded, I would recommend using a shredding company. Some will come out to you, and some will allow you to drop off.

Check the larger shredding company websites for community events, and schedule your annual shredding around an event in your neighbourhood. They usually ask for a donation towards the event’s charity of choice.